Monday, June 4, 2012

Think, Are You Lying To Yourself?

-Quote of The Week-

"The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie."

-Agnes Landers

The most common thing my clients say is, "This Body Just Isn't Me!" So I ask you the question are you lying to yourself? You say this body isn't you, yet you are making decisions from the place of where you are (in the body that you claim isn't you). Trust me, I get it... I did the same thing and it's a common mistake. The truth is (and you know how much I LOVE the truth) that body isn't you, neither are your limiting or negative thoughts, beliefs and patterns. So the question becomes who's are they?

Your Mom

Your Dad

Your Spouse

Your Teacher

Your Priest

Your Childhood "Frenemy"

It could be anyone's, but they certainly aren't yours. Let's define a false versus true identity:

Your Current "False" Identity: It is that voice in your head that says you can't do it. The feelings of being lost, scared, and unsure of what do next. The constant obsession over pounds, inches, calories and everything that is weight related. It is that nagging feeling that something has got to change and the realization that this body your in just isn't the real you.

Your "True" Identity: That little voice that tells you to do something and you chicken out. The voice that says you are worth it. The voice that says it's time to move and you ignore it. The voice that says it's time to feel and you stifle it. It is the voice that expresses the deepest, most authentic version of you that is dying to come out and help you create an incredible life of health, wealth and transformation.

Which identity are you currently living in and why do you keep saying, "I know what I should be doing I just don't do it?"

Usually when you are struggling with weight you will say that you know what you need to know but you just don't do it. There are one of two things happening here:

  1. You are not listening to your true identity that knows how to live naturally thin
  2. You are holding yourself to unrealistic expectations to live your life and lose weight. In other words, the "things that you know you should be doing" really aren't in service to your true identity and they just frankly suck

So you have to look inside and figure out which one you are operating from.

If you are simply not listening to your inner guidance, then it's time to figure out why. Your goal is to lose weight right? So why are you ignoring the one person that actually knows how to do it... the highest, most authentic version of yourself.

If you are holding yourself to forceful, punishing, down right crappy expectations to be thin.... STOP IT! Really, who is that serving and no wonder you don't want to do it!

Your assignment for the next couple of weeks is to turn up your true identity voice to max volume and mute your false identity voice to find out what the heck you truly want and desire. If you need help, that's exactly why I created my group program!

See you on the other side (the true side!)

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